Source Table Maintenance Generator for event Number 01 and 05. Create Maintenance view for the database table and write the following code in Include. *&--------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_entry *&--------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_entry. zvmaint-zcreatedate = sy-datum. " Creation Date zvmaint-zcreatetime = sy-uzeit. " Creation Time zvmaint-zcreateuser = sy-uname. " Created By zvmaint-zupdateuser = sy-uname. " Last Update user zvmaint-zupdatedate = sy-datum . " Last Update date zvmaint-zupdatetime = sy-uzeit. " Last Update time ENDFORM. " _CREATE_ENTRY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form modify_entry *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM modify_entry. DATA: lv_index TYPE sy-tabix. " Number of lines found CONSTANTS : lc_action_update TYPE c VALUE 'U', "Updating current record lc_action_create TYPE c VALUE 'N'. "Creating new record * Clearing data objects. CLEAR : lv_index. *-- Check the all entries of records in table by looping each record. LOOP AT zvmaint_total. *-- Check record updated. IF <action> = lc_action_update . * Read the EXTRACT table with current record. READ TABLE extract WITH KEY zvmaint_total. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. lv_index = sy-tabix. ELSE. [...]