Source Table Maintenance Generator for event Number 01 and 05. Create Maintenance view for the database table and write the following code in Include. *&--------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_entry *&--------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_entry. zvmaint-zcreatedate = sy-datum. " Creation Date zvmaint-zcreatetime = sy-uzeit. " Creation Time zvmaint-zcreateuser = sy-uname. " Created By zvmaint-zupdateuser = sy-uname. " Last Update user zvmaint-zupdatedate = sy-datum . " Last Update date zvmaint-zupdatetime = sy-uzeit. " Last Update time ENDFORM. " _CREATE_ENTRY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form modify_entry *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM modify_entry. DATA: lv_index TYPE sy-tabix. " Number of lines found CONSTANTS : lc_action_update TYPE c VALUE 'U', "Updating current record lc_action_create TYPE c VALUE 'N'. "Creating new record * Clearing data objects. CLEAR : lv_index. *-- Check the all entries of records in table by looping each record. LOOP AT zvmaint_total. *-- Check record updated. IF <action> = lc_action_update . * Read the EXTRACT table with current record. READ TABLE extract WITH KEY zvmaint_total. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. lv_index = sy-tabix. ELSE. [...]
Category: Type
Old New ABAP Editor | SAP Blogs
Source: Capture Date: 11.03.2018 19:39:41 If you develop now UI for SAP, you use Web IDE. If you are doing backend and ABAP, you use ADT (ABAP in Eclipse). But sometimes you still need to come back to SAP GUI and ABAP Workbench and use the “New” ABAP Editor. For that rare cases when … Continue reading Old New ABAP Editor | SAP Blogs
OSS Note 1159543 – Modules for reading sales prices
Integrating SAP Screen Personas into the SAP Cloud Platform Portal | SAP Blogs
Source: Capture Date: 11.03.2018 15:08:06 There are numerous specific reasons for adding a link to an SAP Screen Personas flavor. In general, though, it’s done in order to streamline the user experience for your employees, customers, and partners who already access information, applications, and services in your organization via the SAP Cloud Platform Portal. … Continue reading Integrating SAP Screen Personas into the SAP Cloud Platform Portal | SAP Blogs
Creating Offline Application based on SAP Web IDE CRUD Master-Detail Template using Hybrid App Toolkit | SAP Blogs
Source: Capture Date: 11.03.2018 15:08:33 Introduction In this blog, I am going to walk through the steps of creating an offline application based on CRUD Master-Detail template from SAP Web IDE using Hybrid App Toolkit To follow the steps mentioned in this blog post, the following prerequisites needs to be met You need a … Continue reading Creating Offline Application based on SAP Web IDE CRUD Master-Detail Template using Hybrid App Toolkit | SAP Blogs